Advanced Blast Protection Systems Announces Name Change

Advanced Blast Protection Systems announced it has changed its name to Saleria.  The new name is a combination of the Latin word meaning safety and the Greek mythological goddess of safety and preservation from harm.  Its proprietary technology, Advanced Air Impulse Reduction, A.I.R. was invented and developed by Dr. Jim O’Neal following his career at NASA where he was a leader of the Apollo project, and a decorated career in the military and the private sector.   After more than 10 years of research and professional experience gained in dealing with shockwaves in the flame trench of the Saturn V shuttle, Mr. O’Neal created a technology that is a lightweight material that independent tests have confirmed is effective in reducing the impulse of an explosive blast.

“Our commitment to research and development of this technology and utilizing this technology in commercial applications stems from our belief that A.I.R. Technology will save lives, reduce injuries and protect assets,” said Brian Watson, Chief Executive Officer of Saleria

Saleria is currently utilizing this technology in its premier product, A.I.R. Blast Wall. This wall is a lightweight, modular, scalable and redeployable barrier system for use in a wide range of environments to protect high value assets.

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